Thursday, July 06, 2006

Wrong Side of the Bed

I definitely woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. I was hitting the snooze button in my sleep. Fortunately, I wasn't running late when I did get up. Finished getting ready and headed out the door. Dropped my sunglasses on the way out and one of the lenses popped out. I've only had them for about 3 weeks now. There was no way I could put the lens back in. So that was how I started my day. Got to work and my call time was pretty high. It was frustrating. Start listening to calls... and don't even end up taking my lunch or my last break. Then it was off to the chiropractor after work. I love seeing Charlene but I was there for about 45 minutes. My appointment was probably about 10 minutes, at most. Then I had to walk home. I stopped by Shopper's Drug Mart to check out their collection of sunglasses. None of them looked right on me. So by the time I got home I had a nice headache from the sunlight. I love having a backpack. It does make it much easier to carry the MacBook with me. But now both my shoulders hurt equally and they both look like I have a sunburn. So I was home long enough to drop off my backpack and dinner and then walked to Zellers. Picked up sunglasses and then walked home again. So by now my legs are pretty sore... what can I say... I'm lazy. And we're talking about 5.5 kilometres. Have dinner and jump in the shower. Having some trouble with swollen lymph nodes (shouldn't my white blood cell count be high to combat that... not low?) and managed to nick myself shaving. I got out of the shower... got dressed and Steve shows up. Doesn't even bother to call first... just shows up. That bothers me. But at least it was a short visit. I really didn't say much though and didn't invite him to stick around. He just picked up the computer and left. And that about takes me to right now... since he just left about 10 minutes ago. Now I'm really looking forward to going to bed.

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