Sunday, July 09, 2006

Weekend Getaway

Imagine that I was actually up before noon yesterday and today... voluntarily even. I even got a decent night's sleep, relatively speaking. I was impressed. Usually when I go somewhere else I toss and turn. Granted I had my medication but still. I was out cold. It's not like I sleep well t home either.

This weekend was exactly what the doctor ordered. Obviously, actually getting some sleep is a good thing. It was also relaxing. I didn't have to think about anything or do anything. Now we didn't actually get to watch the UFC PPV event but I have it recorded so I can watch it later. We watched a movie instead. Sometimes I just need a slap in the face... or at least to be kidnapped. Otherwise I end up complacent and end up isolating myself.

Yesterday Tammy was fighting a migraine and sinus pressure so she laid down for a nap. When I actually crawled out of bed I decided to head outside. I didn't want to disturb her and I didn't feel like watching TV. So I took the MacBook outside and did a little work. I didn't get much done since the kids came out to play but that's fine... it was my days off after all. I was out there for a couple of hours and then we headed into Lakefield for lunch and medication. I started developing a headache as well but didn't think much of it. I just took some Advil and it eventually went away. Today I was carrying groceries in my backpack and when I got home my shoulders were just killng me. I figured it was just the weight and I was carrying too much (again). So when my shoulders were red that's all I chalked it up to. But then when it was hurting an hour later I realized that it was actually a sunburn. What I wouldn't give for that "After Sun" stuff. Or something cold and soothing for it. Maybe some aloe... or something. Or hey... how about I just use some sunscreen in the first place.

I got home around noon today. It was early enough to spend some time with Azrael... I didn't want him to hate me for leaving. Then went grocery shopping. Came home and watched the Jays game and the World Cup... was flipping back and forth between the two. Did laundry, cooked dinner, had a shower and relaxed all evening. Nice way to end the weekend. But I got home in time to get done what I needed to and Tammy got home in time to watch the Nascar race. All in all... a good weekend.

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