Thursday, August 31, 2006

The Root of All Evil

Money really is the root of all evil... or at least of all stress. It's really tough knowing that no matter how hard I work I am still not making enough money to make ends meet. And it's all because of my student loan. I have now paid $759 to the student loan center and am still behind on payments. It really is an empty feeling when you realize that even though you have paid that much money you are still behind. And, on top of that, I can't even make my bill payments. I get paid tomorrow and it still won't be enough. :o( There is no hope in bringing my student loan up to date. But I can't afford to pay the cable bill, my cell phone bill or buy groceries either. That's really stressing me out. All I need to get things right is for my interest relief to be granted... Then I'd have $220 coming back to me. But the way things seem to be going that is going to be an uphill battle... one that I currently seem to be losing.

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