Monday, September 04, 2006

Mac Addict

The other day I was at work and Pete was reminding me of how nice it is to use a Mac. When I first started working I always said I would never buy a Mac. I could build a PC for much cheaper so why get a Mac? I held to that idea... This year I had a decision to make. I couldn't build a laptop so I was going to be buying one... Do I get a PC or do I get a Mac? Initially I was PC all the way. And then Apple released iWeb... software for web design that came free with the computer. That had a great deal of appeal for me. Just look into the entire iLife suite and it's hard not to like it. The drawback was the price. But since I am a performance coach I figured getting the Mac would also be beneficial for my agents. See I am not entirely selfish.... So I went with the Mac. And when Pete and I were talking I was reminded that, although the first one was a DOA computer, the second has been extrememely stable. With my PC I was reformatting about once a month. I have yet to reinstall with this one. No blue screen of death. In fact I haven't had to restart unless I chose to. It hasn't locked up. So while it costs more... that's not such a bad thing when it means I don't have to spend hours reinstalling or troubleshooting the system. I'm starting to see why Mac users are fanatics. Everything just works... and they are really easy to use. Not to mention everything is Apple... not Microsoft for the OS, ATI (or NVIDIA) for the video card, etc. Looks like I am switching over and am joining the fan club. Less frustration and down time as a result of the switch. And I still have my Microsoft Office. For basic photo editing I have iPhoto. And for those that really do need a copy of Windows there is always Virtual PC for older Macs and either Boot Camp or Parallels for the new intel Macs. Mac addicts unite!

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