Monday, August 07, 2006

Three Day Weekend

I seem to be updating my blog sporadically... I am just coming off a three day weekend at the moment. It was pretty relaxing. Azrael makes a really good therapist. I wanted to get a picture of him when he was curled up on the futon beside me. I did get a couple of pictures today when he was helping me with laundry. He loves it when I do laundry... He curls up in the warm pile of clothes and will fight me as I want to put them away.

Not a whole lot to update on... That would require me having a life. I spent most of the weekend resting, much like I do every weekend. Terry and Steve came by for a visit on Friday. It was a pretty short visit. They were heading to the bar... and I have no real desire to go there. I don't mind the occasional drink with dinner.. especially daquiries but heading to the bar to get tanked isn't what I really want to spend my time off doing.

Still hoping the fatigue goes away. After the work day ends I don't have a whole lot of energy to do anything. And on my days off I seem to just crash... sleep for 12 hours. I am slowly seeing some of the energy come back but it's a long, hard road... I try and force myself to be active but in doing so I also have an increase in pain. There's a balance in there somewhere.

And tomorrow it's back to the grindstone. Wishing there were more hours in the work day so I could get done everything that I wanted to... No rest for the wicked... I can multi-task with the best of them but sometimes that's not enough. Or maybe I am too ambitious... wanting to be able to listen to the calls, do trend analyses, mentor agents, and run training sessions... Okay so it's a bit much... but I can dream.

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