Thursday, August 03, 2006

Day in the Grind

It's been a long week... I knew I was getting my annual review so I was pretty stressed about that. I knew what was going to be said (for the most part) but it was getting to me. Then I found out I wasn't even getting an interview for team leader. Had the money taken from my bank account. Last night I ended up being at work until 9:30. I wasn't being paid for it since I wasn't actually working. Today I finally got my annual review. It wasn't as bad as I was expecting. Then I was looking for trends on an agent. Typically that involves listening to a number of calls in a row and evaluating them all. That never seems to be a good thing. I am beginning to think I should do that on all the agents at one time or another... you learn a lot about the agent. That ended with a lengthy coaching session. So I was late again today... actually I got paid until 9:00 tonight and was done at 5:30. So after two 12 hour days I am a little tired right now... It's almost bed time any ways. I am pretty glad that I have a three day weekend coming up. I tink I need a few days off right about now... it's been a long, tough week.

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