Monday, September 11, 2006

Uneventful Week

It was a pretty uneventful week. Not much going on at the moment. Figured I should post before people start getting concerned though. I'm completely over the infection and no longer sick. Never did take any time off work. But I am currently finishing up my 2 days off. Back to the grindstone tomorrow.

Work was a little stressful this week. All the work that I would normally have 5 days to complete I had to do in 4 days with the holiday. We got it done, but barely. Looking forward to having the usual 5 days to do it.

Had Pat over for a celebration dinner. I wanted to congratulate her for getting team leader. And no I didn't give her food poisoning or anything. *lol* It was a late dinner though since we didn't get off work until 9:30... or at least that was when we were supposed to be off work. Instead it was more like 9:45 before I even got off the call I was on.

Other then that... nothing else to really say. Like I said it has been pretty uneventful. Not entirely a bad thing. I didn't need any more drama. I like peace and quiet.

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