Thursday, October 26, 2006

Affordable Dental Care

I am really beginning to think that dental care should be more affordable. It would be really nice if it was free like the health care. But then with the issues getting quality health care maybe the goal should be affordable. To get half the dental work done that I needed cost approximately $2400. Now $2000 was paid for by the company but still. Right now I have a really bad cavity that will eventually become an infection if not treated. The problem is that I can't afford to get it fixed. Other bills have taken priority. But the pain is increasing and is causing other issues. More pain actually means I am grinding my teeth more and it is aggravating my TMJ. I have 100% coverage at work... but it only covers up to the fee guide (and not everything s covered). I can't afford the out of pocket costs. I know I need to get them fixed. But what am I supposed to do? Why is dental care so expensive? People keep telling me I need to get the work done... which is true. I really need to get the cavities filled. And I need to get a new mouthguard made. But unless I miraculously come up with about $400 to get the work done it's just not going to happen. I move for affordable dental care.

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