Friday, October 27, 2006

Hell Has Been Upgraded to Purgatory

Finally there might be a bright spot in my life... maybe. I am trying not to be optimistic since when it comes to my student loan I just keep getting disappointed. I got a letter in the mail. It was a revision of terms. But, once again, they had screwed up. The revision of terms was for 172 months. Funny... since that is what they currently have me on. And the payments on the new revision were higher. How does that work? I increase the payments, still don't qualify for interest relief, and ultimately pay more... So I called to find out the status of my interest relief. They told me it had been declined (yet again) because I make too much money. For a difference of about $30 no less. But they still had not yet fixed the loan payment amount so I couldn't make as much as I should be able to. I asked about the revision of terms. A new one had been sent out today reflecting the 112 months. Even though I did not sign off on changing the terms my new loan payment amount will cost me about $30 more per month. Nothing quite like getting screwed again. Don't I at least get a kiss to go with this? It will wind up costing me something like $3200 more by the time it's paid off. I feel like I'm playing Monopoly except it's not "Bank Error in Your Favour"... It's "Government Error Not in Your Favour." Then they will finalize the terms and make a decision in 5-7 business days about my interest relief. I'm just hoping they make a decision before my next pay cheque... I really don't want any additional payments being made. But since I was only $30 off this time it should go through... And give me some peace... for a couple months any ways

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:57 p.m.

    I've heard that a secret angel has intents on sending you the $30.00 a month.
