Friday, October 06, 2006

Holiday Weekend

Time for another holiday weekend. A time when most people are spending time with family. I am sort of wishing that I was getting some turkey... or at least a home cooked meal. I'll rephrase that.. a home cooked meal that I wasn't cooking. But then the starvation diet isn't working so well. Before you ask it's not that I am intentionally choosing to starve myself. I am just so fatigued when I get home that I dont want to cook anything. I can barely eat what I do make. I'm also still broke so I can't afford to buy groceries... 7 more days and I'll be back on track :o)

As for the holiday weekend... I'm back in to work tomorrow. Sunday I am off and the technician for the cable company should be here to fix my digital cable. Monday it's back to work. I'm going to be there from open until close... 12.5 hours. The good news is that I am on hourly wages. So $35.38/hr. Making $406 in one day actually makes it worth being there for so long.

Needless to say it's not really a holiday for me. I only have one day off and will likely be sleeping for most of it. Or at least will be taking it easy and just trying to unwind.

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