Thursday, October 05, 2006


Looks like I just might squeak by and avoid filing for bankrupcy after all. It's contingent on the National Student Loans Center getting something right. I have reapplied for interest relief but in order to be approved they still have to fix my loan payment... something they have been unable to do so far. So I am only cautiously optimistic. It's great that I might be able to get caught up. The downside is that it means working 55 hours a week. Last week I worked 48 hours, spread out over 6 days. Had one day off and then have been working longer shifts all week. Once again it's a 6 day work week. Next week 12.5 hour days. About the only thing that keeps me going is the fact I'll have 5 days off at the end. It's pretty tiring though. A lot of mixed emotions there too. Happy that I should be able to get my bills caught up... but discouraged that for all the extra hours I am putting in it's to catch up... and doesn't mean that I'll have spending cash or be getting ahead. Counting down the days until I am on vacation... 8 days to go :o)

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