Monday, October 23, 2006

Interest Relief Update

I decided to re-read the letter I got from the National Student Loan Centre after trying to get ahold of someone for the 4th time today. It seems they have been really busy all day. Yes they are reassessing my student loan but the date on it says July 24th. That was before my initial appeal. I already know that in June I made too much money because of the bi-annual incentive. There's no way around that one. So I want the interest relief from July. I have no idea if the assessment is for June, July, or another month altogether. Fortunately for me I have to call them any ways. I suspect it's on hold... but I might at least get some answers. Assuming I can get ahold of something and stop hearing the "We are currently experiencing a higher then normal call volume. You might want to try your call again later."

Update: They lied to me... the lines really weren't busy. I got through immediately. Of course I am currently on hold. Jesus Christ... they denied my interest relief again and still have not fixed my payment amount, in spite of the letter I got indicating they were reassessing the loan. What does it take to get past the red tpe and get my interest relief approved? I am on hold again while they contact someone else. Looks like that department was actually busy. They don't have an answer for me... Just call back in a few days. And by then my next payment is due for the Royal Bank. However, they have taken my August payment and put it towards July instead. But regardless I am still a month behind. And still have no answers. Now I have to call the Royal Bank and try and get them to hold yet another payment and pray that it gets resolved soon.

This has definitely become a nightmare... It began 5 months ago and there is still no end in sight. Just more and more frustration. I am officially in hell.

Update 2: I just had to call them back and as expected my interest relief is on hold. They could approve it or deny it... but supposedly it would take affect for August. They should have a decsion within 5 business days. But I've heard that before.

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