Tuesday, October 24, 2006

At a Loss

Today was a moment of clarity.... amidst the insanity. I got off work and my ride had bailed on me. I could've got another ride home had it not been for the chiropractor appointment. So then I had to walk to the chiropractors. And when I got there I couldn't afford to pay the bill. I'm behind again... 3 bills already behind, to the tune of about $150. But what Charlene said was to keep fighting and not give up. I thought about that all the way home. I couldn't even afford the $1.75 to catch the bus and go home. With the cold my fibromyalgia was flaring up. The last thing I wanted to do was walk home. How do you fight when there is nothing left? I've got nothing left to give... I have been fighting this since May and am down to my last out. If this appeal is denied then I am out of options. By that point I'll be 3 months behind and I will have defaulted on the loan. At that point I expect my student loan will also go to collections. There is no fight left. I've fought the good fight... I've tried every channel I know to get something done and still come up short. I'm just at a loss. What am I supposed to do?

1 comment:

  1. You know... they say we only need one kidney. I do have a spare to sell *lol* :o)

    I was thinking about trying to consolidate my debt... but it's all about my student loan. And so far there doesn't seem to be anything I can do about that. If I lower the payment amount then I don't qualify for interest relief.

    I'm beginning to think I should just default on the loan... let it go to collections... But I really don't want to go down that road if at all possible.
