Sunday, October 29, 2006

Little Bundle of Claws

I love Azrael... I really do. But there are definitely times when I think I should have had him declawed. He loves the attention but when he decides that enough is enough he goes into attack mode and then he becomes a little furrball with claws and teeth extended. I'm used to the teeth marks and scratches in my hand. But today I was lying down with him on the futon. It looked really cute. I almost wanted my camera... until he extended his claws and caught my face. Fortunately he didn't draw blood but there is a nice scratch right above my lip. It still hurts too. But I still love him... And I think that declawing cats is just cruel and unusual. I guess that begs the question of how to train him so he'll stop with these psychotic outbursts. I don't think I've ever had a cat that went on the attack like he does. Of course I also haven't had a cat live past the age of 3 but that's a whole other story. And one that makes me think I should be going with a different pet. Cats should have a longer life span.

Update: He was much better behaved last night. He stretched out on me and was just a big suck. Spent most of the evening like that. No claws in sight. He can be a good boy... just dual personalities at time. But I know Azrael doesn't actually want to hurt me.

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