Saturday, October 28, 2006

The Basics

Suzanne reminded me of something earlier today... As long as you have heat and food on the table that's what is important. I'll be paying rent on Monday so I will continue to have heat here... well it would be even nicer if they fixed the thermostat but any ways. I have heat... So much so that I have the air conditioner on. But Suzanne was right. As long as you have the basics: Shelter, clothes, and food everything else is secondary. It's really easy to get caught up in the harsh reality of being behind in bills. I've been fighting this for months... I get caught up and then am immediately behind again... and when that is your focus it becomes all consuming. And it's really easy to put bills ahead of groceries in an attempt to stay afloat but there are some things tht just can't be sacrificed. So once again I have bills that are going to be late. I suppose the good news (if you want to call it that any ways) is that my credit can't possibly get any worse... short of a bankruptcy... thanks to my student loan. Looks like I'll be putting off the visit to the chiropractor and will be playing catch-up on the next pay cheque but I didn't sacrifice my house and home (or Azrael's either) in an effort to stay ahead of the bill collectors (which was a lost cause any ways).


  1. Even funnier - George said any extra they had went to buy bread and milk (before they had the cows)! At least Azreal would be happy. On the bills note: I went to the dentist to day and had my teeth cleaned. They praised me on how clean my teeth were, how I've improved my gums and got rid of any starting gingivitis. So I was pretty happy - thinking I'd get out of there with the standard 40$ (after 80% return) charge. Then they took xrays came back and said the following: You have 4 cavities between the teeth, one needs a root canal and we need to crown another. SHIT.

  2. Azrel is happy... He's well taken care of. Roof over our head, food, and he gets plenty of attention. Puts everything else in perspective.

    Well you did get out of there paying only the $40. You just have to go back for more. I feel your pain on that one. And it's not cheap dental work either. Almost impressive actually... since I neded up needing more work done but without the crowns, or the root canal. So it just might be the same price.
