Thursday, October 26, 2006

Starvation Diet

I came to the conclusion today that a starvation diet was not a good idea. Okay so it's not like I didn't know that before. When I'm stressed I have a tendency not to eat. I also haven't been able to go grocery shopping. And then with work I have been too busy to eat. It's been pure insanity trying to get things done. By the time I finished work today I had a migraine. The headache is now gone but I can still feel it in my neck and shoulders. One of the many effects of stress.

It's not like it's getting any better either. Tomorrow is pay day. Normally that should bring with it a sigh of relief. I worked 52 hours one week and there was a holiday. However the extra still won't be enough. Rent has to come out of this pay cheque so I don't get evicted. And then I have to pay off all those bills that I was behind on. So I still won't be able to get groceries, or at least won't be able to get much.

It's a viscious cycle. I keep trying to get ahead but I'm not even breaking even. In fact I keep getting further and further behind. And once again I have to call the bank and have my loan payment delayed. All I want is to not have to wonder how the bills are going to be paid and the groceries bought. Is that so much to ask? And I'd really like to get off the starvation diet.

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