Sunday, October 01, 2006


Ever notice that we shrug off comments made by other people... but when it comes from someone that truly understands where you are coming from it makes a huge difference. You really feel validated then for feeling the way you do. I have had a number of people tell me I was courageous for going to the police and for pressing charges against Mike. But it was a long, drawn out process and ultimately the charges were dropped. For as much as people said I did the right thing I had lost that sense of justice and was beginning to wonder if I did the right thing. In fact I was thinking there was no right answer... There was just pain and more pain. But I got a reply on my blog that reminded me I am not alone. Every 2.5 minutes someone is raped. 65% are never reported. That is scary. But when they said I was brave for reporting it I suddenly felt validated. No it wasn't the outcome I would've liked to have seen but I can hold my head high. I didn't let him get way with it. I did everything I could and I would've seen it through. There was no fairty tale ending to the story but there were some valuable life lessons... including one in making a stand even when you are all alone.

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