Sunday, October 01, 2006

What Exactly Is Their Job Description?

In a perfect world my interest relief would've been approved and I would've got back the $800. Or maybe that was just a dream I was having... I finally gave up on that little quest. I am back to reapplying for interest relief.

But there is something I just can't figure out. A long time ago I asked them to reduce my payments. I never ended up authorizing it and didn't realize that they had actually reduced it. Then it ended up costing me. The lower the payments the lower the amount of money I can make. So that would be why my dream turned out to be a nightmare. I called and asked them to adjust it. I was told they were going to. Then my interest relief application was denied again. They still didn't adjust it. All they put on my file is that there was a "dispute over the loan payment amount." Now I never authorized the reduction... and have now tried to get them to increase the payment 3x and have even documented it... but somehow they can't seem to do it.

Makes me wonder what these people do.... I'm starting to think I want their job. Make everyone else's life hell and not do anything. And since it's a government job I expect the wages and benefits are good. My only question... what is their job description?

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