Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Hits Just Keep on Coming

I am really wondering what interest relief really means... I mean the last time I checked it was a time when you did not need to make payments and the government paid your interest. At least that was how it worked in the past. And whenever there had been a delay the Royal Bank was always good about refunding the money to me. Not so with the Student Loan Center. I got another voicemail stating that they were not going to be refunding any money after all since I hadn't paid for June the money had gone towards that. It's all BS. I made the payment for June after my application for interest relief was denied.

Let's recap the payments I have made for the record. To the Royal Bank I have made 4 payments of $219. 3 of those should be refunded to me as I have since been approved for interest relief during that time period. The 4th was the payment for June when I did not qualify. Simple enough.

The National Student Loan Center was really slow with the decision on interest relief and as a result I was 2 months behind by the time I even found out that I had been denied. August's payment of $290 was automatically taken out. Then I went and paid June's payment. Then they said that they had put the money towards June and July since I was behind. Then my application for interest relief got screwed up again but since it was being processed I was told that the money would not be taken out. They lied. The money was taken out October 31. So for the 3 payments that I did make I paid $916. Now there is no way that this went towards my June payment... at least not all of it. Their creative math and not having the correct loan payment amount is not my problem. But still... that is 3 months worth of payments and for 2 of those months they have told me that I was in interest relief for. So why am I not getting it back? It's a lost cause to even try to fight for it... but still. I just get the run around.

Looks like a priority is to remove the automatic withdrawal from that account. At least then they can't steal my money. I'm thinking the government has their own creative scheme going on. Back the borrower into a corner that they absolutely cannot get out of. They can't file for bankruptcy so you basically own them. And then change the loan payment amount on them so they end up paying more... even if they did not agree to it. There is certainly nothing fair about the system.

I'll be the first to say that right now I really do feel at a loss... I feel like my hands are tied and there is nothing I can do. I have tried everything I possiby can and gotten nowhere. When you work full time it's very tough... Tough to think that the government can actually do this to you... take 25% of your income and leave you basically nothing to live on. I just got a call today from my phone company threatening to cut off my phone if I don't pay the bill this week... And then there is the rent that is overdue. They can put up a notice of termination at any point and threaten me with eviciton. What am I supposed to do? In spite of working full time I can't even make ends meet any more... and while I should be getting the money back from the Royal Bank considering everything that has happened I'm not sure I should be holding my breath on that one.

I think the light at the end of the tunnel has finally been extinguished. Ever since this nightmre began I've been telling myself that I can't take much more of this... The stress... the anxiety... not being able to even catch up on bills... yet I keep going. I think I am finally at that breaking point. Really they have now taken everything from me... I've lost count of how many bills have been at least a month behind. There have been times when I couldn't buy groceries. and then the ultimate was when they told me they weren't taking the payment and then bounced my rent cheque. And to be told that even though I am on interest relief I am not getting back the $600, that is like a slap in the face. What good is interest relief then? You can only take so much of this. And I am finally at the breaking point.

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