Thursday, November 09, 2006

"Keep a Stiff Upper Lip"

I was talking to my mom today. Figured I should update her with the latest news on my student loan today. What stuck with me was when she said to "keep a stiff upper lip" about the whole situation. This attitude is reminiscient of the attitudes I was tught when growing up. And you know what? I am frustrated right now. I have a low income job, I'm broke, and they still seem to think I can afford to give them 25% of my income. I have been fighting this since May. I can't afford to pay my bills. I think I have a right to feel something about that. I'm not a robot. I have a right to be upset. I think I have a right to cry if I need to. It sucks and I will freely admit that I have shed a few tears over the whole thing. I don't feel bad about that. You can only take so much after all.

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