Thursday, November 09, 2006


I was watching an interview with Green Day. They said something interesting. "It is better to regret something that you did then something that you did not do." There's a lot of truth in that. It really is one thing to regret a decision that you made because of the consequences... but another to have never taken that step... never taken a chance. Fear of failure has become today's mantra. How many people stay in their job because they are scared that they might fail at something else? But is that fear holding you back? I seem to be at a crossroads at the moment. Not to say I don't love my job. It is challenging and I do work with a great group of people. But I don't make enough money at the moment. Assuming that I qualify next month for interest relief I will have a 6 month reprieve but will it be enough? There aren't too many opportunities for advancement these days. Part of the reason I don't leave is the job security. It's nice to know that I have a job and a steady pay cheque. There is fear about stepping out into the unknown. And in today's economy I am not sure that I can even find a job that pays enough. I just wonder if 6 months from now I am going to regret not taking a chance and seeking employment elsewhere.

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