Sunday, December 03, 2006

Birthday Presents, Part 1

Here is part of my birthday present from Christie. In case you're wondering they are both magnets. She always has quite the sense of timing... It's weird actually. And yet she calls me the stalker *LOL* Last year she gave me a Lapis Lazuli, a protective stone. It came at a time when I really needed it. It was a rough year... and around this time last year I was wondering if things could get any worse. Never ask that question. They did... but 2006 has been a much better year. But things have been looking up. Lately I have been giving more thought to the future and where I want to be. I'm 28 now and while I do love my job I want more. I'm kind of greedy that way. I am continually challenging myself to do better.

Since we all know I like wikipedia... it defines destiny as "a predetermined course of events. It may be conceived as a predetermined future, whether in general or of an individual. It is a concept based on the belief that there is a fixed natural order to the universe."

What is your destiny?

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