Sunday, December 03, 2006

In Sickness and in Health

Okay so I'm not taking wedding vows. That would require having someone to marry. *lol* But I am currently feeling under the weather. I called in sick on Friday and slept for 13 hours. Today I got up but really did not have any energy. I almost fell asleep watching TV earlier today. I'm hoping tomorrow I feel better. I can't afford to be sick. And I really don't want to be visiting the doctor at all.

As a side note my tooth is also really bothering me now. It's either chipped or cracked. I cut my tongue on it already. I called the dentist yesterday but they were off until Monday. Not like I really want to be spending that kind of money at the dentists either... but I don't have a choice. Why is going to the dentist so expensive? Even with 100% coverage I still wind up paying a pretty penny for it. Too bad dental implants are even more expensive.... Otherwise I'd consider just getting implants. In the long run I wonder how it compares... $25000 (approximately) for the implants.. but hey you're pretty much set for life. Not surprisingly, it is not covered by insurance. But hey if I ever win the lottery and am wondering what to spend my money on... I just might consider it.

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