Monday, December 04, 2006

Birthday Presents, Part 2

And now for the second birthday present from Christie. I can't believe that she actually remembers my interest in dolphins. Most of the time I forget *lol* But they are such peaceful creatures. I just hope Azrael doesn't destroy it but for now it's in a safe place. I'm beginning to think Christie wanted to liven up my apartment and add some actual colour to it. Now I just need to pick up a candle for it. Then I'm all set... and try not to torch the place. After all being evacuated is not that fun and I don't need any more jokes about animal cruelty and leaving Azrael behind in the last fire.

And now back to the dolphins *lol* Ever since I was a kid I had an interest in dolphins. I've always wanted to go swim with them. It's something I still haven't done. Maybe one of these days I will actually be able to take that tropical vacation and fulfill that lifelong dream. But until then I have this present to remind me.

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