Friday, December 15, 2006

Dental Work

I went to the dentist today to get the cavities filled and a pin put in my tooth. There's a big groove in the back of one of my teeth but apparantly they didn't feel the need to fill that in while they were at it. It had been bothering me for quite some time. All day there has been a great deal of pain from the freezing and the work that was being done. I've been popping Advil all day. So I can't tell if that pain will be gone and only time will tell. So far it has cost me $16 for the work... If I had've known that this much of it would've been covered I wouldn't have waited so long. But there is still some work to be done... I am back in on Monday to have the scaling done. Then in January I am in having a new night guard made. I also have to have surgery done on the gum lines... and it's already time for my next check up. So I am pretty sure I'll be using up the $2000 again this year.

I was reminded today why Azrael is my baby. He has been a big suck all day. He gets like this when I am sick... or in pain. Okay truth be told he's a big suck any time I am home all day... He just loves the attention. Right now he is curled up on the futon beside me. In fact it's almost time to curl up with him again.

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