Friday, December 15, 2006

Heating Nightmare

So it's still 80 degrees in the apartment and I am concerned about the health effects. I am also concerned about the potential for a cold streak which would actually drive the temperature update. As an update I told the superintendant today and he said he would have the electrician come in. But he refuses to come in with the cat... Who knew Azrael was such a watch cat? I have never had the superintendent not come in because of a pet... And it's not like you can just put off a repair like this. What if it really was an emergency? They would demand that I be home? Hopefully this time around they actually fix it since this is BS. I pay rent for a reason... and that means timely repairs. I have had to nag them repeatedly over the last 7.5 months and it still hasn't been fixed properly. It's pretty frustrating... and right now I don't need any more frustrations.

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