Sunday, December 03, 2006

Games Night

After my shopping trip tonight I am really thinking that I need to have a games night at my apartment. I have 2 TVs so it wouldn't be that diffcult. I ended up picking up 2 more games tonight: 24 and Nascar. 24 sort of reminded me of Clue on a deadline. I also have a few different versions of Scene It: Movies, TV and James Bond. I have the Lord of the Rings Monopoly. Not that I would ever want to play it but I have Trivial Pursuit: Pop Culture. Last, but not least, I have CSI. If you exclude board games I also have a tournament poker set. All the things you need for a games night. Well okay the munchies are also good to have. But we'll see... I never seem to do all that well for planning. I need someone else to organize it. I'm just the host *lol*

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