Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Health Woes

'Tis the season for everyone to be sick... I think I am still battling something at the moment. Now the toothache might be playing a role in the sinus congestion but I'm not sure. All I know is that I am dehydrated and congested. I'm having issues breathing. I think I go through half a box of Kleenex a day. Even at work the air seems really dry. I'm also really fatigued as a result. Right now it's midnight and I could go to bed now... if I didn't have some work to do any ways. In the morning I don't want to get up. I just want to sleep. Zzzzzz Zzzzzzz Zzzzzzzz

The heat here hasn't helped anything. They came in on Friday to fix it. They welded the controller back on. But the heat seems to be inconsistent at best. There was a cold streak so the heat had dropped below 70 degrees. It was cold to the point I needed a blanket to stay warm. No wonder I am sick at the moment. I had to crank the heat all the way to get the heat back up. Now it seems to be about 22-23 no matter where the temperature is set to. I haven't turned it completely off to test but I suspect the result will be the same.

I'm trying not to call in sick since it will affect my holiday pay and my vacation pay. But I may not have a choice. The good news is that if I do need to call in sick I am working extra hours over Christmas and will get paid for the sick days. But for now... time to drink some more water and use the saline nasal spray I have to try and get rid of this cold.

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