Sunday, December 24, 2006

Learning to Say No

I felt this deserved an entire post and not just a reply to the comment. So Sarah I hope you don't mind but I am posting it here... I'm guessing you don't since anyone can read the comments any ways...

"I have a book on my shelf called "Choosing to Cheat". It is about how we only have 100% to give, and each area of our life can only get a certain percentage of that. We have to 'choose to cheat' by deciding where our priorities lie, and then give less to some areas (thus cheating) and more to others , so that we give the right amount in the various areas overall. My take, is that if you give more than 100% in a day, then really you're just taking out an advance on a future days 100%, and eventually you run out of available advances so you crash. Sometimes we go through seasons where we are consistently required to give more than 100%.... but to balance that our we MUST make space in our lives for days when we give less than 100%, otherwise we crash and burn and then we have nothing to give at all. SO - Take care of yourself! Do whatever you have to, to be well. Explore strange possibilities (like EFT) and do strange things (like say 'no' sometimes). Your job is not worth your health. Be good Heather! I am praying for you. Sarah"
I've been giving a lot of thought to these comments. The last couple of weeks have brought a great deal of frustration. I hit the wall and crashed and burned. It's going to take a while to recover and get healthy again. And Sarah was right... the job isn't worth my health. I almost quit for that reason.

The biggest realization I had is that I need to learn to say "No" more often. I can't do everything nor should I try to. It's like a pay day advance... It catches up with you at some point and then you just can't pay it off. I was giving so much at work that I had nothing left for anything else.

Now it's time to prioritize... but this time with more realistic priorities. Time to cheat some areas and create more of a balance. And thanks for reminding me of the EFT. I went to the web site the last time you had posted it here and then got sidetracked (I blame the ADD *LOL*) and forgot about it. Time to check it out again. Life really is about balance.

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