Sunday, December 24, 2006

Magic 8-Ball

Now that I am bringing back memories of the 80's. Some of you may have already heard about my hunt for the 8-ball. It all started a couple of weeks ago. One of the managers and I were talking about calls. Keep in mind that we do tech support.... The analogy was given that if we do not explain HOW we resolve the issue then it's like using a magic 8-ball to give the answer. And thus the quest was born. I'm actully amazed at how many times I can use the 8-ball in an analogy at work.

So what happened with the quest? Store after store did not carry them. The only one that did was Wal Mart and they were sold out. I went there a few times but still no stock. Finally I ordered one online... well 2 actually. The next day I came in and Christie had an early Christmas present for me. She had bought me one :o) Apparently Toys 'R Us on a Friday night near Christmas time is not a good idea. Christie's short enough though that she might be mistaken for one of the kids in there with their parents. *lol* It was sweet of her... Of course when the order comes in I'll have an abundance. One is already spoken for... and the other I am sure I can make use of. Either have one at home or give it to someone else at work.

Who knew that the 80's would actually bring something useful. But it's entertaining and actually instructional as well. Christie always seems to give me the coolest gifts :o)

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