Saturday, December 23, 2006

My Protector

Azrael seems to like being my guardian. With me being sick he is taking advantage of it and spending lots of time with me. When I wake up in the morning he is curled up beside me. And at night he'll curl up on the futon with me. It's almost like he is trying to protect me. The superintendant said that Azrael came at him. Now Azrael is not a social animal... There are very few people he even likes or will approach. But there was one day when the superintendant did not give me notice or even knock before entering. I know because I woke up to someone in the apartment. So I am wondering if that was the day and Azrael was being the watch cat. He does get bent out of shape when strangers are over... especially when I don't want them here. It's like he can sense that. Nice to know I have an attack cat. Too bad he's not that big or menacing. Maybe I do need a guard dog. Nah... I'll stick with Azrael.

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