Saturday, December 23, 2006

Heat and Humidity

As I mentioned in another post they still have not fixed the heat. I reported it and Jim told me he was going to come by and take a look. Said something about bringing in an electrician. I talked to him last weekend and he said that he would either come by before I go to work in the morning or today, being my day off. Doesn't even show up. Now maybe it is just me... but I would think it needs to be addressed immediately. The thermostat is not controlling the heat. As long as it is mild outside, which fortunately it has been, the temperature remains above 70 degrees. However, if the temperature gets cold outside the temperature drops and there is no way to control it.

I'm not sure if it's related but it is also really, really dry in my apartmentl. I bought an 11 gallon humidifier with a digital readout. When I first connected it the humidity level was 22 per cent. The humidity level is typically between 30% and 50%. Within 8 hours it had gone through about 5 gallons of water. In the last 3 hours I think I have drank an entire pitcher of water... something I don't normally do. Usually my water is flavoured and carbonated... But I still feel like I am in a desert.

Needless to say this is affecting my health since I am dehydrated... It's also costing me money. The humidifier wasn't cheap. In the summer I will need to replace the air conditioner as well. And when it does get cold then I have to run the space heater...

I just wish I wasn't such a doormat. I really shouldn't be so nice and should really push the issue. I have lived here for almost 9 months now and the heating has never worked properly. They were lazy and did not fix it when I first moved in and have done a half-assed job since then. I have reported it to them numerous times and yet it continues to be an issue. I have a signed lease. And as part of the landlord-tenant act I have the right to maintenance. Not only that but I have the right to repairs being done in a timely matter.

I think that I will write one more letter to get it addressed. If not resolved then I will take it to the tribunal and let the courts decide. Maybe then I could even get them to cover the costs of the air conditioner and the humidifier... Or maybe that is just a dream. In the meantime I am definitely hoping the warm weather continues.

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