Saturday, December 23, 2006

When the Government Calls

I've decided that whenever someone from the government calls there is a certain amount of paranoia that goes with it, especially when you are not entirely sure why they are calling. Yesterday I was at work and my phone went off. The first time it was just the daily call from a telemarketer. Then it was a 416 number. Then it was Suzanne calling. I finally get a chance to listen to my messages and someone was calling from the Ministry of Community and Social Services. Before you ask I still don't know wht they actually wanted. All I know is that they called Suzanne because the number they had for me was not correct. I suspect that it has to do with my open adoption search. That's the only thing that makes any sense. I'm really curious if they do have new information.... since right now I know virtually nothing. Looks like I'll be waiting until after the holidays to find out though. Sorry Suzanne, still no news on that front.

1 comment:

  1. Faraday, Linda
    Phone: 416-325-8526 Fax: 416-326-6867
    Linda Faraday
    24th Flr
    2 Bloor St W
    Toronto, ON M7A 1E9

    Ha...looks like our deductive thinking caps really do if we could just read her mind over the holidays..


    nope - I seem to be chanelling Homer Simpson!

    It SUCKS you have to wait, but we'll see you on the 29th
