Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Yesterday was my day off. Normally I try and make sure I don't have any appointments so that I can just enjoy the day off and get some rest. I hadn't looked at my work schedule before I made my chiropractor's appointment. So I made it for my day off. Oops... oh well. I had posted a few days ago about the Fibromyalgia flare-up I was having. Yesterday I discovered why I was in so much pain. My lower back was out... by about a centimeter. Normally a centimeter doesn't sound that bad but when it comes to your spine that's not a good thing. It was out far enough that one leg was shorter then the other. I was constantly twisting my back. Yeah that will cause pain all right. I was really happy when she put my spine back into place. So it's all good now. Less pain... not completely pain free but much better then I was before. Now if I could just get myself to go to bed early I'd be doing well. Yeah... not going to happen.

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