Thursday, February 01, 2007

Changing Times

I have been single for a year and three months. It has given me a chance to be alone and not dependent on someone else. Sure there are times when I would like to be in a relationship but I no longer feel that my self-worth is determined by someone else. It shouldn't be. I am okay with who I am and I like me. Yes it does seem to be odd saying that but that's okay.

The time has also given me a chance to become sober... not that I was an alcoholic or anything but there were definitely some bad benders. It's still kind of weird not drinking though. When I go out I almost feel like I should be getting a drink. I haven't completely given up alcohol but now it's only a drink with dinner, that kind of thing.

I also quit smoking. I have now made it to the 8 month mark and counting. It's pretty impressive since I was the adamant smoker that kept saying I was not going to quit. Somehow that has translated into me doing more work... Partially to keep myself busy... and partially because I just don't know what to do otherwise.

I'd like to say I've given up all my vices but that would not be entirely true. I still battle with the thought of self injury. I haven't gone back to it but the temptation is still there. The last time I did was just before I got my annual review back in July. So I guess that means I just made it to the 6 month mark :o) One day at a time... It's like the alcoholics creed. Maybe one day I will have found a healthy way to cope and won't even think about it. But until then I wear the bracelet and remind myself that it's one more day.

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