Thursday, February 01, 2007


Can you tell it's been a great morning? I wake up to the superintendent banging on the door. I figure it has something to do with the letter accusing them of extortion and don't answer. 5 minutes later I hear keys in the lock and am wondering what's going on. He lets himself into the apartment and then when he realizes I am home tells me he has the wrong apartment. Since he said he was looking for bugs... what would've happened had I not been home?

So that was the first 15 minutes of my morning. I decided to check my bank balance. That might have been a mistake. When I called the National Student Loans Center last week the first thing I said was to remove automatic withdrawal so that this payment was not taken out. After all they don't give you your money back under any circumstance. Guess what? They took the payment any ways. I really don't have $300 to give to them and there is a possibility that my rent cheque will bounce now. More importantly, no matter what happens with my interest relief application I won't get that money back. It's like depositing that money into a black hole, never to be seen again. This is ridiculous. Now I have to call them again before I go to work and ask about that... and about my interest relief application. How can they screw things up this much? I think a monkey would do a better job then half of these people. Just give them a banana and they're happy.

UPDATE: The moron I spoke with last week (the one I was arguing with about whether or not my student loan with the Royal Bank counted) only turned off the automatic withdrawal on one loan payment and not both. But the guy I was speaking is processing a refund for the payment. Too bad that means I have no money for the next 3 weeks. *Sigh*

As for the interest relief they gave it to me for January but not beyond that. Apparently I have used all 30 months with the bank (or will after January) so I have to apply for extended interest relief in order to not make payments. I don't understand how the bank can be 6 months ahead of the National Student Loan Center. So that means more paper work and more hassles to get it approved. Once again, a one month reprieve and then the battle begins all over again.

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