Friday, February 23, 2007

Long Stretch at Work

Today was day number 4 at work. Normally that would not be a bad thing but it is Monday number 4. I am on a long stretch at work.... 8 days in a row to be exact. It would've been 7 but someone else wanted Tuesday off and I figured one more day wasn't going to kill me.

With the sickness... and the workload it has been a long week. Being on days has not helped me either. Lucky for me on Sunday I switch back to nights. I never thought I would be so happy to be on nights. I love having my evenings free but I have a tough time going to bed early and am always so tired.

Next week there is also a big audit going on. Needless to say a lot of people are stressed at work at the moment. My last day of this long stretch is the first day of the audit. So I can't wait until Wednesday... the first day of my weekend.

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