Friday, February 23, 2007

Who Needs a Thumb?

I had a shower the other day. No big deal right? I am still pretty congested and tired. Apparently I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing. I went to rinse off the razor blade and my thumb was in the way. I gashed it open pretty good. At least I know the razor was sharp. Maybe having a three blade razor isn't such a good thing. As I am watching the blood pour out of my thumb I start wondering how to stop the bleeding. I was also starting to wonder how serious it was. I got out the of the shower and got the bleeding stopped. Bandaged it up and tried to ignore it. I changed the bandage the next day and as I took a look at it I started to wonder if I should've gone and got a stitch put it. But it will heal and it meant not spending 4 hours at the ER. I am sure that I will be fine. I'm just thinking that I need to stay away from sharp objects *lol*

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