Sunday, February 04, 2007

Misery Loves Company

The weekend is now wrapping up. It has been a quiet weekend which is nice. It's a weekend where I just want to be left alone. I am currently somewhat miserable. I never take it well when I am sick. I just want to be feeling better and I want to be feeling better now. Add to that fatigue and pain from the Fibromyalgia and I just want to rest and be left alone. Not to mention the canker... or the cut and it's been a wonderful weekend.

I also realized yesterday that when injured... or sick... I revert back to when I was a kid. It's no wonder people take on a nurturing role with me. I can't (or more accurately don't know how to) take care of myself. I was never taught those skills. When I was born I was 9 weeks early and in respiratory distress. They weren't sure I was going to make it. So my mom was over-protective... to the point of not teaching me anything.

The reason I noticed it yesterday was because I am currently feeling a cold coming on. To most people that would mean they take it easy, rest and drink plenty of fluids. Me... I try and keep up with my normal pace... drink Coke instead of water. I just don't end up taking care of myself. And then there was also the cut. Because of the location it was hard to stop the blood. I couldn't find any polysporin so I got out the isopropyl alcohol and applied that. Talk about pain and then slapped another band-aid on and hoped the bleeding would stop.

Maybe I just need someone to take care of me *lol* I have this image in my head now of a little kid with their thumb in their mouth holding a security blanket.

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