Sunday, February 04, 2007


Today has been a rough day. Started out with what feels like a bruise on my lower back, right above my tailbone. It only really bothers me if I touch it so I am trying not to bump it. At some point I also bit my lip and am developing a nice canker sore. I am wishing I had some Kanka to put on it.

So far so good right? I was making garlic bread and had to shred some mozarella cheese. Easy enough. Or so I thought. But the block was still frozen and didn't shred nearly as nicely. I had to add a lot of force to it. And then I did something I haven't done in a while. I caught my finger on the shredder. Let me tell you... I did a better job taking the skin off my finder then I was doing with the block of cheese.

I'm thinking I should go back to resting and not do anything else. Tomorrow I am definitely taking it easy. Still trying to get healthy although I'm not doing too badly. Apparently though I should stay away from sharp objects. They seem to be fighting back.

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