Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Insane or Just Dedicated?

I am currently trying to decide if I am completely insane or just dedicated. I went to the hospital last night. I got there at 2:15 a.m. and was actually out of there at 3:15. I am thinking that might have been a bad thing. Any later and I would've just called work and slept all day. Instead I had the thought that I could almost get 8 hours of sleep and then get up, pick up the prescription and go to work. So that was exactly what I did. And right now I am so worn out it's not even funny.

All day I just felt like my head was spinning. I just felt completely overwhelmed by the amount of work we need to do by the end of the month. It was also really warm so I was having trouble with my blood sugar all day. I didn't get much accomplished so I am not sure that it was worth going on. I mean I got some administrative tasks out of the way... but that was about it. About halfway through the day I wanted to go home and have a drink... it was not a good day.

And of course I wasn't really on the medication either since the prescription was for a nasal spray. So all I was taking is the decongestant. Not the best plan let me tell you. Now I will be heading to bed shortly and am hoping that actually being able to get 8 hours of sleep will be beneficial.

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