Tuesday, March 13, 2007

In Sickness & in Health

I am finally so fed up with being sick that I am heading down to the ER. I am really dreading the thought since I don't like sitting around there waiting. Not to mention the hospital always seems run down and filthy. Not what you expect from a hospital. I really miss being in London for many reasons... health care is one of them.

I kept thinking that I was just going to get better... After all it's just a cold. But after a month I am still congested and fighting with sinus pressure and pain. It's been pretty miserable. My sinuses on the right hand side are actually swollen. I have tried so many different things to clear it up: hot showers, saline nasal spray, Nyquil, Dayquil, and Vicks vapoinhaler. None of them have had any effect. And you get to the point where buying more over the counter medication is just pointless.

Ever since Thursday I've not been able to keep anything down either... Well I could eat sandwiches for lunch... but no matter what I was eating for dinner it wasn't being digested properly. And you can really only go through that for so long.

The worst part is that I was actually going to go to the hospital after work tonight so that I could make it to work tomorrow. Now that is dedication. But the lineup was to the door... and that was just for the triage. So I decided to go home and have dinner. Taking it easy and resting... Then I am going back to the hospital later tonight. Definitely not making it to work tomorrow. Gonna focus on getting better and just rest. So unlike me *LOL*

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:40 p.m.

    I would just like to make note that Heather did make it into work, what a trooper!! Super Troopers........GREAT MOVIE, Hey Heather have you watched Beer Fest yet..............same dudes.
