Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Kitty Therapy

How could you possibly resist him? Yesterday I was taking it easy and resting. I was also remembering just how therapeutic a cat can be. Sure they are independent creatures and like things to be on their terms... but they also read your moods and can be a big suck. I was just watching TV and he came over and snuggled right in with me. Then "helped" me with laundry. Also known as... he curled up in the pile of clean clothes and attacked me if I tried to take any of it away. As you can tell from the pictures he still hadn't let me make the bed... Then it was more cuddle time with mommy. When I woke up this morning he was using my leg as a pillow and then came to visit me for some attention. He knows when the alarm goes off he'll get plenty of attention. Then I finally got up and got ready for work. Right now he is a little more distant but still beside me on the futon. It was exactly what I needed since it has been a rough week. God bless pet therapy! :o)

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