Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Newfound Sense of Freedom

Yesterday started out like any other day... everything in me did not want to get out of bed. I still feel really low on energy. But I crawled out of bed and went to work... only to be returning home about 2 hours later without a job. To most people that would be the worst thing ever and while I wouldn't say I am happy about it I think he did me a favour.

The head of operations was never going to let me advance and was always going to find a reason to hold me back. I still believed in the company and was a bit of an idealist. I just worked on developing the agents and getting the job done. But I was sacrificing myself. Ever since Pat left about 5 months ago it was really starting to get to me. I mean for October I was doing the work of 2 performance coaches. Somehow I managed to get it done. But the workload continued to be too much and we continued to get new agents. I was never going to leave... I didn't leave after my LOA (why I am not sure) and came back in the hopes that things would be better. I should've known better since management hadn't changed. And now I am free.

Probably the best time to be fired... if there is a best time. After all it is tax time and I am getting a refund. Plus I will be getting my pay, and the vacation time. And then there is my RRSP. That was one of the best things I could've done. Now I am pretty sure that I won't be able to cash out the entire thing but the last time I called I believe there was $2000 that I could withdraw. So I'm not that bad off.

And now I can make a decision. I can try and get a job at one of the other call centres in town since I have the experience. I can move to the Belleville area to work there where the cost of living is lower and stay with the tech support. Or I can try and get a job in something else entirely.

It's about new beginnings and starting over. I am taking a couple of days to relax and work on my resume. Then we'll see what happens and take it from there.


  1. Anonymous9:37 p.m.

    Wow. That is quite the turn of events Heather! Christian Horizons in Cobourg is pretty much always hiring. It wouldn't be as cheap as Belleville, but probably cheaper than Peterborough?

  2. LOL I guess I thought I'd go out with a bang.

    The problem with that thought is that I still don't have a driver's license... just my G1. So I am pretty limited.

    And all I could think of was your comment about re-evaluating and whether or not this is really where I want to be. Now if only I could afford "What Color is Your Parachute."

  3. Anonymous12:14 p.m.

    You should be able to borrow WCIYP from the local library. And the author now has a website:
    jobhuntersbibleDOTcom I don't know what all is there, but it does exist. If you're really stuck I can mail you my copy. It is a few years old but it would be better than nothing. Let me know if you need it!

    Have fun exploring all the different paths you could take!

  4. Sadly I hadn't even thought about the library... Welcome to the world of technology. You forget all about the world of books.. and you're right they should have a copy of it.

    The web site is pretty useful... especially for using the internet in your hunt for a job. So thanks a million for that link! :o)
