Thursday, March 22, 2007

Voodoo Doll in Pop Culture

Popular culture has led people to believe that voodoo is evil and is all about causing pain for other people. But it is also not taken seriously and is seen as a joke. For a demonstration just go to this website that is actually sponsored by Progressive Insurance. Progressive even had a commercial a long time ago where the girlfriend is using a voodoo doll to inflict pain on her cheating pain. I wish I could find it... but any ways. There is also a Capital One Commercial seen here that obviously people are not going to take seriously.

Recently I was watching an episode of Criss Angel: Mindfreak that involved a voodoo doll. But it is important to note that it was not a real voodoo doll and he is an illusionist. So again... it is just an example of voodoo being misrepresented in popular culture. That video can also be found here. It is quite interesting.

As I learned you can buy voodoo dolls for just about anything. There was one that was a pink slip voodoo doll. Maybe I should've got that one. There was also a career voodoo doll. Or a computer voodoo doll. The picture is from the World Cup in Germany. You could actually buy a voodoo doll to help your team get to victory.

This year Swatch also included a voodoo doll with their watch for Valentines. There was even a commercial depicting the process of blessing the watch.


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