Monday, May 21, 2007

Am I Really Home?

So I get home and am greeted by the sounds of a kid screaming and crying.... I started to wonder if I was really home or if I was just living in some twilight zone at the moment. Get to the door and then hear Azrael start crying. Yep I am really home. I get in the door and he keeps going. Azrael is not a happy cat. So I pick him up like a child and was carrying him around the apartment. You'd think he was my baby or something. Get him calmed down and fed. He seems to be happy.... Or maybe not. He just hissed at me and bit me. The biting I am used to. He never hisses. But I think that was actually because of the static build-up in my shirt. I think I might have just shocked him. It's not because he is still mad at me. Cats have an extremely short attention span so he has already forgotten that I left him for 3 days. And I have decided that I really should leave him a little more often.... I can count the number of times I have left him in the last 3 years on both hands. That's kind of scary and tells you I have no life.

Every parent... or anyone that works with kids will probably get a kick out of the second half of this. My desktop picture is of Azrael and over the weekend I changed it. I know I am just such a rebel. When you're interacting with kids your vocabulary tends to change and you start pointing things out. The 2 year old really liked pictures of the cat and would constantly point to it. So I get home an set up the computer (and in case anyone is wondering I really did put everything else away first). Azrael hops up on the couch and what do I do? I start pointing to the screen saying, "Who's that on the screen? Is that you Azrael?" And then I caught myself.... It would've been even scarier if I had got any kind of answer out of him. But now back to the real world and the fact I do not have a child... and while Azrael may be my baby (and I do have great conversations with him at times... cheap therapy bills) I really don't need to point to the screen and say "Cat" now. *LMAO*

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