Friday, May 25, 2007

What a Week

I got home from the weekend away on Monday. As I mentioned before I came home with a sore throat and congestion. I was also a little tired. I am still battling the congestion. I'm not sure if it's allergies or a cold but it's brutal. My nose is actually raw from blowing it so often. The congestion is also interfering with thought process and making me somewhat miserable.

Tuesday I went to the hospital. They were packed. Fortunately I didn't have to wait for the triage nurse. As I sat down I realized that the batteries in my MP3 player were dead. No music for me. I was there for 3 hours. The doctor took a look at it and said that she could cut it open or could try antibiotics. She did not believe the antibiotics would make a difference... I was already prepared for them to be draining the abscess and have no drug coverage so that was the option I went with. It didn't hurt nearly as much this time but I also hadn't waited until the infection was really bad. Then I found out the batteries were also dead in my cell phone so I couldn't call my ride home. Good thing it's a short walk.

If that wasn't fun enough they wanted me to come back the next day to have it checked out. Just the thought of that makes me cranky. I get there and it took 30 minutes just to get to the triage nurse. I think the heat was making people crazy since it seemed to be loony day there. The lady ahead of me was threatening to harm herself or others. The crisis nurse was super busy and everywhere I went I was hearing these tales of woe. Everyone else seemed to be there with a broken arm. It was theme day in the ER. Now I think that if you have a follow-up visit they should bump you up the line... After all you have already done your time. Instead, it was the 30 minutes I already mentioned while waiting for the triage nurse. Then an hour in the waiting area, followed by 30 minutes waiting for the doctor while in one of the exam rooms. I literally saw the doctor for less then a minute. He checked how it was healing and decided it didn't need to be re-packed. No wonder I am a little bitter. It took 2 hours to see the doctor for about 45 seconds and have a bandaid put on. Plus there was the 30 minutes that it took me to get to the hospital and back. The only good part is that it was a gorgeous day so I got to work on my tan on my travels.

At the moment I am a little crispy. My shoulders are a little red after spending time in the sun every day this week. I should really try and get errands done in the fewest number of trips. But then I really enjoy the time in the sun. I find it to be very therapeutic. Now if only I had some aloe vera or some After Sun.

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