Friday, May 11, 2007

Do I Stay or Do I Go?

Ever since I was fired I have been faced with a number of decisions.... We all make hundreds of decisions a day so that is not a big deal. But some of them are big decisions and require a great deal of thought.

The first decision is whether or not to stay in Peterborough. I've never been crazy about this city. I only moved here because I was homeless and needed somewhere to live. Maybe it is time to move on.


  • I already live here
  • Relocating is not cheap
  • I have friends in the area
  • More time consuming to look or jobs in other areas


  • Smaller job market
  • It's Peterborough
  • Apartment rentals are more expensive here then elsewhere

The second decision that I have to make is whether or not to return to school in September. If I get turned down for EI then this decision will already be made for me. But otherwise I am considering trying to get EI to help pay for retraining so I can get my Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology.


  • Finally get my masters
  • Would only take 20 months
  • Would not have to move to complete the course since it is all online
  • Can still work full time
  • Higher income upon completion
  • Networking during the practicum
  • EI will pay at least part of the costs... so it would hopefully not increase my student loans


  • Still have to pay part of the costs to show commitment
  • Not including the cost of books it costs $20,000
  • Need two references and since I was fired from my last job I will likely not be able to get one from there, as much as my manager might have liked me
  • Would prolong my ability to apply for debt reduction with my student loan although with the run around I get there I likely won't qualify any ways

Another big decision is probably the toughest. Do I want to pursue just another day job or wait for one that could actually be a career? I already know that I don't want to go to another call centre but there are other jobs that I would not necessarily enjoy (i.e. administrative assistance) but would pay the bills. This time the pros are for waiting for a career


  • More focused job search
  • Would be going to job that I actually wanted to go to
  • Not caught in the same trap that I was in before
  • Can spend the time on healing and just enjoying life again


  • $$$
  • Medical Benefits
  • Time

The last decision ties in with the one above. Do I want to work for someone else or do I want to eventually end up working for myself. I am scared of taking a chance and risking it all to be an entrepeneur but there are certain advantages. It would give me a chance to pursue a job as a coach.


  • Make your own schedule
  • Choose your own clients
  • I love being a coach
  • Work for yourself
  • Only you limit yourself
  • Up and coming job field


  • Takes time to build up clients
  • Costs money
  • I know nothing about business and the legal side of things
Only two of them are really difficult choices. The decision to relocate really comes down to the job and the situation. If it pays enough and is a job that I want to move for then it's an easy decision. Friends can always visit me elsewhere and aside from the initial cost of relocating it is cheaper to live in other cities. As far as school goes if I can make it happen it's a great opportunity. I highly doubt that I would qualify for debt reduction any ways so that is just a minor consideration. The big one is the job hunt and the decisions to be made there. Obviously I don't enjoy being unemployed and broke. But I don't necessarily want to get a job just for the sake of having a job and a steady income. I already made that mistake. Decisions decisions... Can I have some easier decisions please?

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