Thursday, May 10, 2007

Friends, Foes & Family

This week has brought with it people from all three categories. There are certain people that I enjoy talking to and it has been great to hear from them. They keep me focused and are a positive force. We all need these people. They recharge our batteries instead of draining them.

But it has also been a week of foes. There are also people that I don't even want to talk to or think about. Talk about negative energy. One person in particular is a hindrance even though they see themselves as helpful. This person always has to share their opinion and two cents but it's not about what is best for you... It's what benefits them.

Today it was all about family. Mom called and invited me out to my aunt's. My cousin Mark was going to be there before heading out to Singapore. I hadn't seen him since I left London and I hadn't seen my aunt in a long time either. Part of me was dreading it.... If it wasn't for Mark I highly doubt that I would've gone. When mom picked me up I was quickly debating my decision. But it turned out to be a nice visit, for the most part. Mom and I are always going to have a rocky relationship. Family is still important and it was good to spend some time with them.

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