Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Right of Abode

Something I have been thinking about for a long time now is getting the right of abode to work in the UK. I just never had a reason to get it when I was working. After all I had a steady job that did not involve travelling to the UK for work. So it was little more then a passing thought but something I always wanted to get. The right of abode allows you to live and work in the UK without being hassled by immigration. I was wrong when I posted before about it (See here for details) It will cost me more then $50 and now takes less then 6 months. The application itself will only cost $50 but since I need my passport that will be another $100. Plus I would need the long form of my birth certificate. In total I would need about $165 and a few records (namely my birth certificate, my parents birth certificate, adoption records, and marriage certificate) but it would allow me to live and work over in the UK unrestricted. Would I ever need it? At the moment that is hard to say... but it certainly couldn't hurt when applying for jobs since so many companies are multi-national. They wouldn't have to worry about Visas or anything else. So it's just one more thing that sets me apart from the competition. And while you do have to reapply once your passport expires it still allows you unrestricted access to living and working in the UK.

I made the mistake of talking to mom since I knew I was going to need her birth certificate. Maybe it was because she was tired... or maybe it was just because of our relationship... but she told me to hold off until I had more money. Well I was certainly waiting until I had the money but I needed to know that the documentation was going to be available since it's going to take about 2 months from when I start the process. She seemed to think that I just wanted this on some whim and would need to be out of debt and have my student loan paid off before I could do anything with this. Once again she was trying to discourage me and hold me back. Will I ever make use of it? Maybe... or maybe not.... But I think it's cool. Having a passport comes in handy any ways... and then $50 to have the ability to live and work in the UK. I've spent $50 on many other things that will make no difference in my life... that were nothing more then instant gratification. So why not spend it on something that opens up the possibilities in the job hunt? Hopefully things go a little smoother with dad.

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